Onwards and upwards: To the next 17 years!

A very special thank you to our business partners and customers
for your continuing support
In loving memory of Ludwig Hallauer

My father, the man who brought me into the world of sliding bearings.
Thank you for teaching me the ropes since I was a boy.
Thank you for believing in me when I chose to risk the unusual and
take the road less travelled.
You taught me never to settle for ordinary and this has made all the difference.
You will always be a big part of why our story continues.
Daniel Hallauer

2022 SBS – Singa Bearings Solutions (SBS) Milestones


SBS – Singa Bearings Solutions (SBS) delivers solutions from leading-edge research, aimed at benefiting all stakeholders and empowering our clients to grow and thrive.

Our industry and functional specialists have developed a uniquely collaborative model to help our clients to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities.

The SBS research team also assists clients in mitigating project risk with innovative strategies and solutions, enabling them to manage and operate with increased effectiveness.


Read more: How SBS has optimized productivity for the Steel Industry




We bring timely, actionable technical insights across the full spectrum of production capabilities in the Marine Offshore, Hydropower, Mining, Steel, Agriculture and Construction.

The recent expansion in our team capabilities and unique technical-support services have enabled the development, validation and execution of better operational strategies. Supported by our diverse, regional teams, SBS has helped customers deliver on improved productivity and greater equipment efficiencies.


SBS first got accredited with ISO9001:2008 in the Year 2008. And for 14 years on, we have maintained our highest standards in our management system, strive to train our employees in the best possible manner to maximise our clients’ satisfaction!


Proven track record of performance from mining operators in Indonesia, Mongolia, Africa and Australia, SBS offers an extensive range of Bearings and Components for the Mining Industry that are of comparable OEM quality:

  • Greater efficiencies
  • Extensive material research and lab testings
  • ZERO bearing failure during operations
  • Extended lifetime results

With our global distribution channels, ex-stock items can be delivered out of our warehouse at competitive prices!




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