What’s new at SBS?

It was an action-packed second half of 2023 for SBS! We started to re-develop on the packaging for our products, new safety jackets, exhibition displays & merchandise. Most of all, SBS is very proud to have supplied our bearings for WindWings® and we are stoked to see the vessels sailing into Singapore! We have also worked on several special projects for wind farming, hydro gates as well as developing parts for the mining and agriculture industries! Trial tests on SBS’ bearings had shown excellent results and new projects are on-going in 2024 as well as in the pipeline for 2025. Our company is extremely pleased to receive positive feedback from our existing and new clients! Great job, Team SBS!

SBS also welcomed Andi Rachman to join our team as Business Development Manager in February 2024, setting new directions for our Indonesian market! All the best, Andi!

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Singapore Head Office
50 Bukit Batok St 23
#06-08 Midview Bldg.
Singapore 659578

Phone: +65 6316 3850
Fax: +65 6316 3851

E-Mail: info@sbs-bearings.com.sg
Web: www.sbs-bearings.com