From Installation To Maintenance: Optimising Productivity For The Steel Industry

SBS – Singa Bearings Solutions (SBS) carries a wide range of bearings that are aligned with almost every need of the steel industry: Variations in extreme temperature, high levels of contamination, high forces at slow rotations and grating impacts. SBS bearings address all the toughest conditions with special engineered & custom designed bearing materials.


Whether it be an extremely dusty atmosphere in a melting plant that contains dolomite particles to furnace slag and furnace cement to several iron ores and quartz; whether it be ladles carrying melted steel that are extremely hot, disqualifying the typical use of grease lubrication in bronze bushes as the grease easily liquifies at high temperatures; whether you are looking for bearings for an Arch-Furnace Lifting mechanism, Scrap Claw hinges, hydraulic cylinders or a hot or cold rolling mill, SBS offers OEM quality, custom designed bearings within a short lead-time alongside hassle free installations.

What distinguishes SBS in the industry is that we give you the benefit of dealing with a one-stop shop with custom designed turn-key technical expertise specific to your requirements. Our engineers are on hand to collaborate with your team to develop the most suitable bearings, from the initial design stage right through to the delivery of your application’s needs.

Click here to download SBS’s complete line of bearings that have been specially developed for all the relevant conditions encountered in the steel industry.

Please contact us if you don’t find your required product or spare parts in the 2020 SBS Steel product catalogue.

Steel Industry Customers’ Choice: Most popular SBS Bearings

Learn more about FER-MAN® here

FER-MAN ® Bushing 259 (600/700HV)

FER-MAN® 259 can last min. 8 times longer compared to bronze bushings and highly sought after for the following benefits:

  • wear after 10 years of operation between 0.5 and 3mm!
  • no risk of fracture on the bushing or the trunnion
  • no risk of ladle damage caused by bending because of the high friction on worn-out bushings
  • very cost-effective on maintenance (does not require grease and replacing bronze bushing again)
  • longer usage time in the ladle and boost productivity
  • easiest contribution to become “Green”

Learn more about LUB-MET® here

SBS’s LUB-MET® has proven to perform best in this harsh environment extending the uptime of equipment such as the ladle trunnion bushing compared to the OEM equipment. And we have numerous field tests in various steel plants in South East Asia to prove its success in terms of machinery uptime.

Furthermore, SBS’s LUB-MET® is customisable to any shape that is required to fit any OEM dimensions.

Excited about possibilities? Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you.



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